ገዳኮሎጂ፡ ፍልስፍናችን

ገዳኮሎጂ identifies our company’s philosophy. Gedacology is an interdisciplinary development concept that envisages renewing, rebuilding & empowering history, life style, culture of the Oromo of Ethiopia in accordance the values of Geda System. It regards history as any account of past and present events, written or oral, that is non-linier but cyclical. That is why we say, “Ancient is Today.”

For Our programs, Gadacology is a power house which distributes itself to the connecting societal grid in the nation and to the world. The power grids we do create and empower are: humanity grid, wisdom grid, resource grid and economic grid. Gedacology’s leadership values are the governing morals & beliefs guiding the practices and procedures of the leadership system that we develop for the projects and the Geda family and community we intend to create. Gadacology aims at realizing development trans-regionally, trans-nationally, trans-continentally and trans-generationally.

ቦሌ አየር ማረፊያ እቃ መጫኛ ጊቢ አጠገብ, አዲስ አበባ, ኢትዮጲያ